Hey there! I'm Catherine

I’m a firm believer that your business should pay you both financially and in personal freedom and flexibility, which allows you to focus on your family and life.

Are you ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place.


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Hey there! I'm Lindsay

Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place.

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I've got a lot to share with you. 

I have been around the block and seen it all. I build my company from the ground up. I know the challenges of starting a business with zero budgets, I know how to launch, how to reinvent, and how to stay positive. ,…. I will be sharing that with you.


Take Action!

Creative Tools

I will share the tips and tools I have collected along the way.  I am sure you're going to love using.  

Hidden Gems

No need to reinvent the wheel here. Just take ours. I will give you tons of email templates, checklists, and worksheets in every course. Feel free to adjust them to fit your needs (or personality)

Brand Building

Showcase your authenticity, without the gimmicks.

Create a brand that attracts clients willing to pay what you are worth

Clarity and profits

 find the clarity (and profits) you are looking for. That’s what I am here for. To creatives see just how simple it can be. No drama, no doubting yourself, just real strategies with practical application. Build your confidence with our actionable steps so you can start and build your business today

Ways to work with me


1:1 Signature Service

If you are ready to change your business and willing to invest in some serious time and hard work, this is the one for you.


Strategize and Energise

Perfect for providing clarity and strategy in your wedding or creative business, whilst focussing on YOU at all times. Together we will review your struggles and concerns, in order to create a plan for the future. LEARN MORE

Mini Training

This digital mini-training will cover just one specific topic. Ideal for those that are up-leveling, who want to increase their knowledge, but don’t want 1:1 support.


Speaking Engagements

After working as an entrepreneur for over 17 years, I have carved a well-respected reputation within the creative and entertainment Industry, specifically the Wedding Industry. Over the years I have had the joy of being asked to present at workshops, seminars, and conferences with audiences ranging from 10 – 300+. 

Achieve Clarity and Strategy for Your Creative Business

Let’s face it, you started your small creative business because you are an artistic soul with a passion for beauty, style and all things creative. You LOVE what you do; you provide high value for your clients and strive to provide the best possible service for them. The truth is, creativity will only get you so far when you have big dreamy goals to reach. You have to know how to run a sustainable and profitable business. How do you do this? A clear strategy and positive mindset.

Beyond the Pretty and into strategy


In fact, I believe positivity goes a long way to the success you will get. So at times when working with clients I may decide you need my support with your mindset before we can move onto strategy. I offer a range of services but if none of them are quite right please do message me as I am happy to create a bespoke service just for you.

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!


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